The Jonsland pedigree Texel Flock was established in 1992, by John Jones of Tynybryn Farms, Tregynon, Newtown, Powys. John had seen that the way forward was to use the Texel Breed for extra conformation to fulfil the increased demand for quality finished lambs. Starting with a small nucleus of ewes, John's first stock ram came from Gary Cundell's Ravensmoor Flock, the ram was Crosscrake Yorkie Boy, he had power and size, ensuring that the flock had an excellent base to work from. From then on Conformation was the word in the Tynybryn house hold and throughout the last ten years John's breeding rams have been selected for that purpose. Rams from Penparc, Ravensmoor, Millend, Tophill, Springbank and Crosscrake Flocks have all had an influence on the Jonsland Flock, leaving rams of size power and shape. With last year being a particular difficult one for all of the farming fraternity, due to the dreaded Foot and Mouth Disease which was in close proximity to Tynybryn. John and Jean prayed like many, that they would not be taken out and lose the flock that they had bred up to the winning flock it is today.
Due to the lack of sales last year, John and Jean have selected a number of females in lamb to ARR/ARR R1 Rams :
to be presented at the following Sales :
John is resolute that the way forward is to produce what the market is demanding, easy fleshed lambs with excellent conformation. Due to this selective breeding programme John has proven that this is the best way forward in adding value to the carcass with 90% of his fat lambs E's, U's and R's. However the flock has meant much more to John and Jean than a financial enterprise, they enjoy meeting their friends and neighbours and thank every0ne for their business and the friendship that have been built up over the years.
For More Information Contact :
Tynybryn Farms, Tynybryn, Tregynon, Newtown, Powys, SY16 3PJ
Send mail to
DanGJ@supanet.com with
questions or comments about this web site.