- Head
- Crown to nose should be twice the width - shouldn't be as strong as
the white Texel.
- Bright clear eyes.
- Nostrils well spread.
- Broad mouth.
- Poll flat with no wool.
- Ears well set, ideally "Ten to Two"
- Head
- Characteristics to be
- Forequarters
- Neck well muscled, but not too short.
- Shoulders flat on top and no wider than Rib cage.
- Broad and deep with the sheep appearing wedge shaped.
- Forequarters
- Characteristics to be avoided:
- Neck to long.
- Narrow or shallow forequarters
- Dip behind the shoulders (lacking a straight top line).
- Body
- Strong and powerful, well muscled from front to back.
- Back and loins sufficiently long and broad.
- Ribs deep and well sprung.
- Loins as wide and deep as possible.
- Body
- Characteristics to be avoided:
- Uneven top line.
- Ribs too flat or too shallow.
- Narrow or angular loin.
- Quarters & Gigots
- Area between top of haunch bonetail as long and wide as
proportionately possible.
- Curved, fully rounded hips.
- Well developed Gigots.
- Tail short, narrow and woolly.
- Quarters & Gigots
- Characteristics to be avoided:
- Hips or gigots too narrow.
- Straight or poorly muscled gigots.
- Legs
- Legs should be proportionate to the body.
- The sheep should stand square and straight.
- Back legs well sprung from the hock.
- Ram should stand well up on short pasterns.
- Wooled to middle of forearm and hind to middle of shank.
- Remainder of legs covered in fine hair.
- Feet deep, hard and black.
- Legs
- Characteristics to be avoided:
- Front legs too narrowly set or too wide apart.
- Over straight hind legs or curved hind legs.
- Fleece
- Dense and tightly stapled.
- Well crimped and lustrous.
- Fleece
- Characteristics to be avoided:
- Kemp.
- Bare neck, belly or tail.
- Loose staples.
- Colour Pattern
- Varies from quite grey to a pale colour with dark shoulders getting
lighter over the back.
- White markings on the face, the so-called “halter”.
- White markings on the upper front leg and under the tail.
- White edge to the ears.
- At base of the staple the colour should ideally resemble steel blue.
- Colour Pattern
- Characteristics to be avoided:
- Black fleece with little or no white markings.